Arielle Lomness, MLIS

(She, Her, Hers)

Interim Head, Research Partnerships & Collections

Library Services
Other Titles: Subject Librarian
Office: LIB 246
Office Hours: Book an Appointment
Phone: 250.807.8410

Courses & Teaching

Subject Librarian for: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Science, Physical Geography, and Social Work.


Google Scholar:



MLIS University of Alberta
BA University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus

Selected Publications & Presentations

Journal Articles

Dow-Fleisner, S. J., Lomness, A., & Woolgar, L. (2022). Impact of safe consumption facilities on individual and community outcomes: A scoping review of the past decade of research. Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health2, 100046.

Graham, J. R., Woodmass, K., Bailey, Q., Li, E. P. H., & Lomness, A. (2022). Organizational change in human service organizations: A review and content analysis. Human Service Organizations46(1), 36-55.

Babando, J., Quesnel, D. A., Woodmass, K., Lomness, A., & Graham, J. R. (2022). Responding to pandemics and other disease outbreaks in homeless populations: A review of the literature and content analysis. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(1), 11-26.

Lomness, A., Lacey, S., Brobbel, A., & Freeman, T. (2021). Seizing the opportunity: Collaborative creation of academic integrity and information literacy LMS modules for undergraduate Chemistry. Journal of Academic Librarianship47(3), 102328.

Lacey, S., & Lomness, A. (2020). Better together: Assessing a leisure reading collection for an academic and public library partnership. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(1), 102023.

Book Chapters

Berringer, H., Gattrell, J., & Lomness, A. (2015). Special collections at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus library: Expanding our community’s access to local history. In Okanagan History: The Seventy-Ninth Report of the Okanagan Historical Society (pp. 106-113). Kelowna, BC: Okanagan Historical Society.

Published Conference Proceedings

Lomness, A., Smith, D., Tiessen, R., & Zeoli, M. (2021). Print and e-books: How are strategies – for libraries, publishers, and distributors – driven by the current necessity of online access? In B. Bernhardt, L. Hinds, L. Meyer, & K. Strauch (Eds.), Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2020 (pp. 113-127).

Janyk, R., & Lomness, A. (2020). Primary Rights and the Inequalities of E-Book Access. In The Time Has Come… to Talk of Many Things. Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference, 2019 (pp. 132-139). doi: 10.5703/1288284317156

Armstrong, S. D., George, E., Lomness, A., & Taylor, S. J. (2017). We’re on a roll: Transforming e-book acquisitions in a shifting budget landscape. In Roll With the Times, or the Times Will Roll Over You. Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2016 (pp. 303-308). doi: 10.5703/1288284316462

Ishida, M., Lomness, A., Taylor, S., & Vis-Dunbar, M. (2017). Science Literacy Week: Building partnerships through a passion for discovery. In Dorothy Barr (Ed.), Blurring the Edges: The Osmosis of Ideas, Proceedings of the 43rd IAMSLIC Conference. Retrieved from

Lomness, A. (2016). Going local: Creating unique and special collections in an academic library. In B. R. Bernhardt, L. H. Hinds, & K. P. Strauch (Eds.), Where Do We Go From Here? Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2015 (pp. 188-193). West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. doi: 10.5703/1288284316253


Responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the Okanagan Library services associated with research and collections, including the Centre for Scholarly Communication's research services (RDM, data, copyright, open access publishing, etc.) and the library's collections budget and provisioning of the materials for teaching and research.

Also responsible for coordinating the Library’s day-to-day collections activities, including:
> acquisitions of new content
> maintenance of the existing collection
> gifts-in-kind


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